Product Release 1.8

What's New 🎉

  1. Option to add custom names to Detection Areas/ROIs while setting up tasks. You can now set them as Table 25, Table 26 instead of Area 1, Area 2.
  2. Include incident-specific details when downloading Tickets or Events as CSV
  3. More detailed info on incident level for selected tasks (Table occupancy, customer walk-in count)
  4. Jolt integration flow updates to make it more robust
  5. Only show "Detected on" in Tickets and Events (hide Created on)
  6. Add infinite scroll for schedule list part in edit task modal
  7. Update the confirmation modal text to make them more informative

 What's Updated and Fixed 🧩

  1. Fixed the task filter bug on playback
  2. Add input and autofocus on show modal
  3. While refetching frame, frames are not being fetched and no error is showing for the same
  4. Corrected the Recording Type filter text for Playback Filter
  5. Minor design updates
  6. Other bug fixes and improvements